hahahaha énorme

Accueil Forums ** Archives ** Free Zone hahahaha énorme

  • Ce sujet contient 2 réponses, 3 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Mr Honk, le il y a 17 années.
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  • #7713

    Mattez ce qu’un mec m’envoie sur myspace, le mec il se prend pas pour de la merde XD :

    hi karsck , first of all , thank you by the request .. then i have to say something .. i dont like your genre of noise , i dont have patience for that anymore , i dont have patience for music , that sounds all the same , one music after another music , thats why i hate reggae .. i never liked whitehouse or brighter death now ( once upon a time they did 1 or 2 musics really enjoyable , then , they become famous with a legion of fans , and then they started to do noise just to feed the kids , that become their new fans ).. i’m not one of those kids that worship some extreme environments , just to fulfill their youth .. as you might notice , i’ll denie your request.
    thank you again by the request



    Il a le mérite de s’expliquer… Mais oui il a visiblement le melon. ;p

    Mr Honk

    C’est qui..?
    Il m’as l’air marrant…

3 sujets de 1 à 3 (sur un total de 3)
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